2024 Courses: Training & CPE

O R T H O – B  I O N O M Y  
Professor  C O L I N   G I B B S

Study Group

23 August 2024. (7.00pm – 9.00pm)

HAMILTON:   GibbsLang Contemporary Art Gallery
555 Matangi Road, Matangi, near Hamilton
: GibbsLangLtd  38-9006-0566612-00

The healing dance

24 -25 August  2024.

HAMILTON:   GibbsLang Contemporary Art Gallery
555 Matangi Road, Matangi, near Hamilton
$370: GibbsLangLtd  38-9006-0566612-00
further information. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W0heRdfHOC5ZTbtHVnQF2q21qbjnt8fz/view?usp=sharing

Study Group

13 September 2024. (7.00pm – 9.00pm)

HAMILTON:   GibbsLang Contemporary Art Gallery
555 Matangi Road, Matangi, near Hamilton
: GibbsLangLtd  38-9006-0566612-00 


14 -15 – 16 September 2024.

HAMILTON:   GibbsLang Contemporary Art Gallery
555 Matangi Road, Matangi, near Hamilton
$565: GibbsLangLtd  38-9006-0566612-00
further information. https://tinyurl.com/phase67

SPECIAL PRE-RESIDENTIAL ELECTIVE COURSE with international Advanced Instructor Rouel Cazanjian, USA

Marrying Arthur’s Reflexes with energy

27-28 October 2024.  

Explore Rouel’s special way of marrying Arthur’s Reflexes with Energy as shared with him privately by Arthur Pauls and further developed by Rouel.  This will be a mix of Phase 5 and Phase 6, (and more!), integrated across both days.If you are coming to the Residential, this will be an excellent primer class for you.
If you are unable to come to the Residential, this class is a valuable standalone course. 

HAMILTON:   GibbsLang Contemporary Art Gallery
555 Matangi Road, Matangi, near Hamilton
Note that this is Labour Weekend

SPECIAL DEAL:  pay early bird (30/06/2024) for Residential and Pre-Residential course for $2490, a saving of $230

ORTHO-BIONOMY RESIDENTIAL 2024  06-0369-0942647-00

further information. https://tinyurl.com/Rouel-course


six days of immersion in fun learning!!!


DATE       October 31 – 5  November 2024
VENUE    Tauhara Retreat and Conference Centre
                   60 Acacia Heights Drive,
                   Taupō,  New Zealand.
                    Rouel Cazanjian, Los Angeles, USA
with          Colin Gibbs, Aotearoa-New Zealand

THEME.   Kia kōrero tō tinana katoa
                     Let your whole body speak

We are listening!
Bones, joints, skin, muscles, fascia, arteries, nerves, organs, and fluids all have their own individual messages to share.They also speak as a group, like all the players in an orchestra playing individually and yet creating an orchestral sound as a whole. These “sounds” can be in tune of out of tune.
In order to listen, one must have the the ‘tactile ears’ to hear the body speak, with its individual parts and as a whole. Then and only then can the hands communicate back to the body in a way that can be received. It is this dialog process that transforms chaotic states into orderly states.
We are also part of a larger orchestra, called humanity and other even larger orchestras, called nature, the universe, and the multiverse, all of which have their individual expression and can also speak as a whole. The same process of healing applies:
Listening, hearing, understanding, speaking back, noticing that effect, learning from it, and going back to listening and speaking is the sacred process of communication in nature.
Discord and suffering happen when this sacred communication is faulty, broken and does complete itself.  All dis-ease is a result of lack of communication.  
As advanced practitioners, we are trained with our hands to improve this communication. We do this by embracing the faulty communication and creating a healthy dialogue.

Our package deal for you is very
Standard fee….
6 days of fully catered fun, learning, accommodation, meals (all inclusive!).  $2300.  Early bird $2095

ORTHO-BIONOMY RESIDENTIAL 2024  06-0369-0942647-00

There are some on-site accommodation variations and food preference options which you can explore by contacting the Planning Committee at obres2024@gmail.com.

Note: this Residential is one day longer than the 2019 Residential… more time for fun learning.

SPECIAL DEAL  enrol and pay before 30 June 2024 for both the Residential and the pre-Residential course and pay $2490 instead of $2720, a BIG saving!

IMMERSING and BEING in Ortho-Bionomy
flowing in the spirit of the Founder Arthur Pauls’ original vision for RESIDENTIALS.

The Planning Committee (Robyn Blake, Jenny Burato, Marion Golding-Clarke, and me) are deeply immersed in planning a really exciting RESIDENTIAL for 2024.
International attendees are MOST welcome to join us.

NB:  A requirement for RESIDENTIAL is Phase 5 and Phase 6, (unless special dispensation from the Instructors).  Yes, I aim to offer Phase 5 and Phase 6 in 2024 if you have not yet completed these, or want to be fully refreshed before the Residential.


For more information
NZ participants.                      https://tinyurl.com/NZ-Residential
International participants  https://tinyurl.com/international-flier
Residential information.     https://tinyurl.com/OB-2024-info



Learn to use the principles of Ortho-Bionomy to gently release major joints in the body.  Stimulate the body’s inherent, self-corrective reflexes to help create structural balance from within. We will also cover the history, philosophy and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy.

You can take this course for personal interest or use it for training or professional development credit. No prior experience necessary!


Release body restrictions with Ortho-Bionomy and bring powerful techniques into your practice!!
This course provides more in-depth and extensive coverage of the application of Ortho-Bionomy principles using Phase 4 positional release positions.
No prior experience necessary! This work is so essential for your toolkit—it can be used as stand-alone or used in conjunction with other gentle modalities. For training purposes this course also credits as a Phase 4 requirement.


Explore Ortho-Bionomy with ISOMETRICS AND ISOTONICS and bring powerful techniques into your practice!! Using the principles of Ortho-Bionomy, we will learn Isometric and Isotonic techniques for working with muscle tension patterns and underdeveloped muscle tone. Through the use of resistance while the muscle is engaged, proprioceptors are stimulated. This allows habitual holding patterns to rebalance and results in greater flexibility and mobility


We will recognise, evaluate and address postural positioning.  Techniques presented help to address spinal curvatures and scoliosis.  Post-techniques are neurological-muscular exercises that are taught to the client to facilitate their ability to maintain and integrate the re-educated posture.


An experiential class that adds a dynamic dimension to the Ortho-Bionomy release techniques. Focusing on the range of motion through the joints, we explore and support preferred patterns of movement or non-movement. By doing so, and with the active participation of the client, the range of motion in the joint is increased and muscular and joint pains are diminished.


Phase Five is hands on, moving at a very subtle level of awareness in ways that honour the principles of Ortho-Bionomy.  Using the client’s natural reflexes, the body’s innate wisdom knows what to pay attention to and self-correct.  Our movements may be actual or inferred.   Phase 5 is moving with the self-expressed energy patterns of the person by exaggerating patterns, increasing recognition for the client, and employing self-healing reflexes within the physical and etheric self.  Phase 5 is suitable for very recent and acute injuries—muscular tension is released, range of motion increased, and pain reduced.  It is also useful for the most delicate of situations as well as large joints, scar tissue, internal organs, bones, muscles, fascia, skin, lymphatic system, etc.  In Phase Five, we do less and let the client be the guide for their exploration of change.


Moving like Phase 5, however without physical contact.  We work with the person’s bioenergetic field or as some refer to it, the aura. We gain expertise in Phase 6 through learning the skill of remaining in a neutral state, of Universal awareness, in ‘doing nothing’ and allowing the person to have their own experience and expression of themselves, without judgement.   We monitor and acknowledge the inter-relationships between energetic, emotional and physical levels and that demonstrate how energetic shifts can affect changes in physical patterns.


In the classic vision of Arthur Pauls of long distance Ortho-Bionomy®, time and distance are not relevant.   Phase 7 was initially taught by invitation only when Arthur felt a student was ready. The etheric aspect of wellbeing is particularly felt when we are not lined up, when we are injured or ill. Phase 7 brings awareness of subtleties and ways of communicating.  Phase 7 patterning addresses all levels of human experience and teaches a non-forceful, elegant way to approach problems of many kinds.


This course follows Arthur Paul’s approach to applying the principles of Ortho-Bionomy to the function of the cranial system.  Participants are encouraged to feel the energetic patterns existing in the cranial system and allow the recipient to find a better balance through the self-correcting reflexes.


We will address dynamics of the client-practitioner relationship.  Through exercises, discussion and hands-on work we will explore boundary issues for creating safety for the practitioner and the client, transference and counter-transference issues in the therapeutic relationship, and working with emotional responses from our clients as well as our responses as practitioners to the work and content of sessions.


We shall take a deeper look at the relationship between the pelvis, lower back and hips.  The structural relationship between these influences how we are able to move freely and efficiently.  Because this region is the storehouse for many important organs–the bladder, uterus, prostate, just to name a few–we shall also focus on some visceral techniques, as well as facilitating lymphatic movement and releasing venous congestion.  This course builds on the foundations of Phase 4 and Exploration of Movement, but we shall also be working with other Phases in the beyond the basics course.  


In this course we work with specific exercises that clients and practitioners can do to facilitate and maintain the release of structural imbalances and discomfort with in themselves, as well as providing exercises that will help integrate the changes experienced from the clinic session.


This system of working the Neurolymphatic Reflexes was developed by Frank Chapman, a Doctor of Osteopathy. He discovered, through clinical observation and practice, that treating these reflex points facilitated lymphatic drainage in the viscera, and that they could be used to help balance the endocrine system. Applying the gentle Ortho-Bionomy techniques to the reflexes has also been shown to affect structural balance, and the physical and emotional well being of the client.


If the universe and I are one, then I am the universe and the universe is me.    No duality.                Arthur Pauls

Arthur Paul says that Ortho-Bionomy is the ‘correct application of the laws of life’.  What might this mean, and how might this be revealed in my practice?  This hands-on workshop working from the principles through to practice, opens opportunities to explore Ortho-Bionomy beyond the boundaries of Phases.  When we work with Ortho-Bionomy, many times we find ourselves flowing seamlessly within and between what might be construed as the constructs of Phases.  
Through our play and enquiry, this workshop invites you

  • to extend beyond your present practice,

  • to deepen the ways in which you work with clients, and

  • to increase your sense of resonance between your ‘self’ as practitioner, others, and the universe while honouring our culturally-situatedness in Aotearoa.

Fees for selected courses and consultant clinic fees are being donated to heal the land and heal people…. a practical expression of Ortho-Bionomy’s interconnectedness with people and the land.   
Waikato Ortho-Bionomy funds TREES THAT COUNT —  TE RAHI O TĀNE which supports the planting of native plants in Aotearoa.

Waikato Ortho-Bionomy also supports the Jagriti Foundation of Aotearoa-New Zealand… empowering “women, girls and families to lead lives of hope with realised potential.”
The following Terms and Conditions apply for events organised by GibbsLangLtd (the “Coordinator"), nationally and internationally.  These relate to events (such as training courses, workshops, demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, mini-conferences, study groups) organised by the Coordinator in the fields of education, the arts, and/or health and wellbeing.

The viability of planning and running such events depends on covering a range of expenses.  These include, but are not limited to, venue hireage and associated costs, printing, marketing, hospitality, transportation, accommodation, multi-media equipment provisions, coordinator’s fees and expenses etc, as well as reimbursing Instructor’s/Visiting Instructor’s expenses and fees.

  1. Registrations are secured with the payment of a $100 deposit or the amount as otherwise stated in promotional material for that event.  This deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  2. Full payment must be made before, or on, the first day of the event, unless other prior arrangements have been made with the Coordinator.
  3. All prices are inclusive of GST for events conducted within New Zealand.
  4. The issue of the Certificate of Completion is dependent upon completion of the whole event and its requirements, as well as the full payment of fees and any associated expenses.
 There are limitations on class size. 

Insufficient numbers 
  1. If there are insufficient numbers for any event, the Coordinator may postpone or cancel the event.
  2. In such circumstances, registrants will be notified no later than 7 days before the course or through personal arrangement after that date.
  3. The Coordinator takes no responsibility for reimbursing registrants’ accommodation, travel or other expenses.
Numbers exceeding capacity  

         If numbers exceed the designated capacity, the Coordinator may decline registrations in the event.

Course withdrawals and transfers
  1.  Fees paid in full are refundable or transferable up to 7 days prior to the commencement of the event, excluding the deposit.
  2. Transfers are valid for the calendar year in which they occur, and do not apply to events offered outside the jurisdiction of the Coordinator. Beyond the calendar year, these transfer provisions expire.
  3. There is no refund of any fees for a withdrawal after an event has commenced.