About Us

img_0033 At Intouch body harmony: Waikato Ortho-Bionomy & Massage you will experience a gentle, safe, non-painful, body work that promotes deep relaxation and well-being.

Natural healing for optimum functioning
Your comfort matters. Through Ortho-Bionomy®, massage, or a combination of these, the aim is to enable your body to naturally self-heal so as to restore optimum functioning.

Release well-being without pain
The practitioner’s careful, safe movements help structural alignment, postural balance, release of pain and discomfort, promote inner and outer harmony, relaxation, stimulate the lymphatic system and aid the elimination of toxins.

Body work for health, balance and vitalitydscf2153
The aim is to promote positive well-being, health, balance, and vitality.

Invest in regular care of your body
Ortho-Bionomy® and massage allow your body to take care of itself. Even if you have no injuries, pain or discomfort there are benefits. Investing in regular self-care can play a huge part in your health and sense of well being.
Discuss this with your practitioner and plan how you may invest in your health.